The Alpha's Heart: Lost Omegas Book Five: A M/M Shifter Romance Page 14
“I think you should count again, Terrance.”
Ben stepped into view, followed by shifters in wolf form, lots of them. They spread out across the clearing.
“Who?” Terrance asked and James could see he was taken aback by the numbers. “Eagle Creek’s people, of course. Ready to defend their home from an incursion. This time, they can see it with their own eyes. Before, it was done by stealth, by underhanded tactics that have no place in Packs like ours. And some of them are our people. Wolves we rescued from your fighting rings, your brothels. All of them ready to fight, all of them loyal. To me.”
There was the sound of more people in the distance.
“Who’s that?” Jeremy asked, looking less sure of himself as the seconds passed.
“Glenoak,” Seb answered, a slow smile crossing his face as the voices carried through the trees.
James gave Jeremy and Terrance a few moments to let the reality of their situation sink in.
“If you make even so much as an attempt to harm any of the Council or any of my people, every single one of you is going to die. Your only hope, right now, is to walk away.”
The group from Glenoak reached the clearing, Martin and Sam moving to stand either side of Sebastian. He spotted Adam, Ro, and Luke hanging back behind them.
Terrance took one last long look around the clearing but James could see the tide had turned.
“We’ll go. No blood needs to be spilled here today.”
He turned and James gestured for his people to make a path for them as Gray Valley's people filed from the clearing.
“Not Jeremy,” he called, as Terrance reached the edge of the trees with the Alpha in question at his heels. “He and I have business to attend to.”
Jeremy gave Terrance a look of pleading. The older Alpha regarded him impassively. “As you wish, James Holden.” He turned his back, not reacting when a group of Fenrir’s Warriors surrounded Jeremy.
“Terrance, we had a deal. You can’t leave me here!” Jeremy called after him. His voice echoed through the trees but there was no response. A few shifters loyal to the Migones stayed in the clearing as if deciding whether to challenge those holding Jeremy. But they were hopelessly outnumbered and quietly slunk away into the forest moments later.
Jeremy turned, looking between James and the Pack Council. “I’ve changed my mind. I don’t accept your challenge. Eagle Creek is yours.”
“Thank you, Jeremy. I accept your relinquishment of your claim.” James spoke calmly and clearly, his voice carrying across the clearing.
Jeremy turned to leave.
“But there is the matter of Pack justice.”
Jeremy pivoted slowly back to face him.
“Pack Justice?”
“For your crimes.”
“I haven’t committed any crime.”
“You handed Pack wolves to trafficking rings, you were complicit in the attempted murder of Raventree’s Alpha and the abduction of Glenoak's Omega. And, most grievous of all, you murdered a wolf of Glenoak Pack.”
“That was rectified with a blood debt. Rob was given to Sebastian in payment. The matter is settled.”
“A blood debt is only applicable if the loss of the person responsible would affect the Pack lineage. But you weren’t first in line to become Alpha when you committed the crime, your brother was. And now you’re not in contention for any Pack. Therefore, I sentence you to death for the murder of Hugh of Glenoak Pack and surrender you to Glenoak for execution.”
Jeremy appealed to the Council members. “You can’t let them do this.”
“He is Alpha of the Pack you were a member of when the crime was committed. He is within his rights to review the punishment for such a heinous crime,” Alanna said. “But perhaps the punishment doesn’t need such a large audience.”
People began to file out of the clearing as Luke came to stand next to James, pressing against his side.
“I’m guessing I have you to thank for the Glenoak reinforcements.”
“I had a feeling. You said Jeremy was a coward and cowards don’t play by the rules.”
“You’re right, they don’t. Do you want to stay and watch?” He gestured to Jeremy and the group from Glenoak who had surrounded him.
Luke made a face, shaking his head. “Will it hurt a lot?”
“No, they’ll show him more mercy than he showed you.”
Andrew was leading Etta away. She looked torn, distressed but accepting of Andrew’s comfort. There was something there, something growing between them.
James wrapped an arm around Luke’s shoulders and they followed after them. As the group walked through the woods, a short, sharp cry was carried on the wind.
“And into the great unknown the last Migone son is dispatched,” he said.
Etta buried her head against Andrew’s chest, weeping softly.
“Will she be okay?” Luke asked, seeming distressed just watching her.
“In time,” James assured him. “In time.”
Two months later
They sat side by side at the desk, Luke laboriously reading an early reader’s book James had brought him while James reviewed the Pack’s finances. Now that the Migones weren’t around to cream off the top, the Pack’s accounts were looking much healthier.
A knock on the door had Andrew sticking his head in.
“You wanted to see me?”
James waved him in and Andrew grabbed a seat.
“Yes, I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my secondary lineage.”
“You will offer it to Ben, won’t you? He’s a strong Alpha, he has an Omega. He’s wasted over in Glenoak and I know it’s trying for them to have so many territorial Alphas. I’d suggest Zack, too, but I know his own Pack are angling to have him back.”
It had surprised everyone, not least Zack, when they’d made contact in the wake of the death of their Alpha, the Alpha who’d exiled him. Zack and Matthew were determined to take things slowly but James knew the lure of getting back to his family, to his parents, was something Zack would struggle to resist. It might also go a long way to repairing the rift between Matthew and his family, who might see his union with Zack as more legitimate accompanied by good standing in a respected Pack. Eagle Creek was still viewed as a volatile and uncertain situation, though from the inside out it looked anything but.
“They are both excellent suggestions but neither were my first choice.”
Andrew sat back, looking confused.
“But who else would you…”
Luke snorted, hiding a smile behind his hand.
“What am I missing?” Andrew asked.
“The natural choice. You, of course,” James replied, glancing down at the sheet of figures again while he gave Andrew a moment to take in what he’d just said. “Graham has agreed to take a position as Pack advisor, which I’m sure you’ll agree he is well suited for. And you’ll be my second, carrying the Pack’s other Alpha lineage.”
There weren’t any other Alpha lines in the Pack, the Migones having long since rooted them out. Looking up at Andrew, he couldn’t easily read the expression on his face.
“You were always my first choice, Andrew. I just didn’t want to get anyone's hopes up or start counting my chickens before we had the hen house.”
“I’d… I’d be honored.”
He didn’t mention the unexpected boon, that Andrew’s relationship with Etta, in concert with his position as secondary lineage, would be another stabilizing factor for the fractured Pack. Those remaining who still held some loyalty to the Migones would take heart in that.
They spoke for a few more minutes, making plans, before Andrew went out to tell Etta the news.
“He seems happy,” James said, sitting back in his chair. Luke nodded, closing his book as his stomach rumbled.
“Lunchtime I think,” James added with a raised eyebrow. Luke made a face as he pushed back his ch
air and stood.
“What? Aren’t you hungry? I’m sure we can rustle up some pancakes if you’d rather.” Luke had had pancakes for the first time a week previously. They were his new favorite thing.
“I’m hungry all the time. But I think I must be eating too much,” Luke admitted.
James laughed before realizing Luke was serious.
“Why do you think that? Shifters need to eat lots, like we talked about, so they have energy to shift.”
“But my stomach is starting to stick out. Doesn’t that mean I’m getting fat?” his Omega asked, running a hand across his stomach. There was the slightest bump, that James suspected he wouldn’t even have noticed except that Luke was still so thin.
He caught Luke around the waist, turning him so they were face to face and lifted Luke’s t-shirt before running his own hand across Luke’s abdomen. Then he leaned in, pressed his ear just below Luke’s bellybutton and listened.
Satisfied, he moved away, pulling down Luke shirt and standing up. He took Luke by the hand and led him towards the kitchen.
“It’s definitely time for lunch. A double portion of pancakes for you, I think.”
Luke tugged at his arm. “Why?”
James pressed his hand against Luke’s stomach again. “Someone is growing a baby. Which is why they’re hungry all the time and why their stomach is growing faster than the rest of them.”
Luke looked down at himself with wonder.
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely. But we’ll call Alicia and pay Glenoak a visit. She can confirm it and you can tell Adam the good news.”
Luke kept trying to smile but not quite managing it.
“Is this a good thing?”
He cupped Luke’s cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. “This is an amazing, wonderful thing. I have never been so happy or so proud.”
The smile finally broke through Luke’s doubts, his eyes bright with happiness.
An escort of Fenrir's Warriors accompanied Matt and Zack on their visit to Zack's Pack. They brought the children, Oliver cradled in Matt's arms while Zack wrangled an excitable Rosie.
Gregory, the new Alpha, came to greet them and took their entourage in his stride, stepping forward with confidence and holding out a hand to greet Zack.
"Zachariah. Matthew. It is good to see you both." He shook Matthew's hand too, an act which surprised them both.
"Hello, Gregory," Zack greeted.
"First, before we say anything else, I want to extend to you my sincerest apology for how you were treated when you were last here. I don't share my late father's bigotry and neither will our Pack any longer. If you choose to return here, you will be reinstated as the secondary Alpha line without question."
"And Derek?"
Matt knew Zack was going to ask the question. They'd talked about it beforehand. Zack wasn't sure he trusted them to be safe in a Pack where Derek held power given his previous betrayal.
"Derek is no longer living in the Pack. He mated Molly from Foxdale Pack, as I'm sure you're aware. She was expecting her first child and missing her family so we felt it best for all concerned that they should live there."
Gregory took a step closer, lowering his voice. "Though, between you and me, he and Molly have had some disagreements and I believe while he's living in Foxdale, he's no longer living with her and has moved in with someone else. My brother moves on quickly, as I'm sure you've realized."
Matt hid his sigh of relief at knowing they wouldn't have to contend with another confrontation with Derek and he was happy to see Zack relax a fraction too.
"Now, I won't keep you too long from your family. Why don't we talk while we walk to your parent's house? It's not far."
The spring was finally here, snowdrops blooming and tulips pushing up through the soil. After a day and a half of travel, it was nice to get out and stretch their legs. As they walked, Gregory filled Zack in on all the changes that had happened since he'd been exiled. Most of it meant nothing to Matt, except those people and places Zack had talked about.
He was filled with trepidation at the thought of meeting Zack's parents. What would they think of him? Of their children? Would they be welcome? He tried to picture his own family if he and Zack were to arrive at their front door but all he could see was an image of his father, enraged and shouting.
"Here we are," Zack said, pulling Matt from his thoughts. They had stopped in front of a pretty house, with a wooden fence and a well-tended garden.
Gregory said his goodbyes, promising to check in with them again before they left for home.
Zack nudged Matt in front of him up the garden path. They were only halfway to the door when it was thrown open, a couple emerging.
"Mom, Dad," Zack called and hurried forward as they rushed down the steps towards them.
"Zack!" the woman shouted and there were a few moments of pandemonium as the baby woke with a cry, Rosie squirmed out of Zack's arms to the ground, and both of Zack's parents tried to hug him at the same time.
Zack's mother turned to Matt.
"And this must be Matthew. We are so thrilled to finally meet you. You can call me Regina." And he was engulfed in a tight hug. She pulled back, a broad smile on her face. "Look at you, you're quite the beauty."
Matt blushed, not knowing where to look. "Dan, come say hello to Matthew. Oh, and this must be little Rosie." Within seconds, Regina brought order to the chaos, picking up Rosie as Zack took Oliver and Zack's father shook Matt's hand.
"Lovely to meet you, at last, Matthew." There were tears in Dan's eyes and he stepped forward, pulling Matt into a hug. "Welcome to the family."
When he let go, he turned his attention to Oliver. Regina was showing Rosie the rosebushes that bore her namesake. "And this is my grandson. May I hold him?"
Both Matt and Zack nodded eagerly. Matthew thinking to himself that there was very little he could deny Zack's parents, their manner was so friendly and open.
As Dan held Oliver, Regina carried Rosie back over.
"We have some lunch laid out inside. Why don't we go in? Your friends are very welcome, there's more than enough to go around." She indicated the Warriors who had accompanied them and were hanging around the garden gate.
"Thank you, that would be wonderful," Zack said, throwing an arm around Matt. "I've missed you both so much."
"It hasn't been the same. Not one day has gone by that we haven't thought about you, worried and wondered. But you're here. With your own beautiful family." Regina's eyes filled with tears.
"We couldn't be more proud," Dan added. "Of both of you and what you've achieved. Love grows stronger with trials and tribulations. The bond you have must be near unbreakable."
Matt cuddled closer to Zack at his father's words, smiling from ear to ear. This was it, what he'd always wanted. Family. Acceptance. Love.
Luke held tightly to the ultrasound picture Alicia had given him as he sat eating lunch with Adam. His brother was smiling broadly and telling Luke all the things he could expect from being pregnant. Swollen ankles and back pain didn’t sound like much fun but he liked the idea that he’d be able to feel the baby move and kick. Already he could just make out the second heartbeat beneath his own.
He could hear James talking with Seb and Ben in the next room. While he wasn’t following the conversation closely, he knew what they were talking about. Gray Valley. Since their attempt to help Jeremy retake Eagle Creek, the Valley had become isolated. Their allies were withdrawing support. From listening to James talk about it, Luke knew that the territory belonged to Ben, the same way Eagle Creek had belonged to James. But the fight to get it back wasn’t going to be easy. Gray Valley had all their own people, the survivors of Eagle Creek, and as many rogues as they’d been able to amass in the past two months. The Pack Council weren’t yet willing to call for direct action against them, so Eagle Creek and Glenoak were looking at their options.
He could see the conversation bothered Adam, who chattered on about preg
nancy and babies, smiling to disguise his fear. But Luke knew his brother better than that. Years of separation hadn't stolen their connection.
“It’ll be okay. Ben loves you and the boys. And he’s smart and strong. He isn’t about to be reckless.”
Adam considered his words, his face falling.
“You’re right, I know. It’s just Gray Valley has always meant so much to him. There’s such a hurt there, one that has never truly healed. I’m not sure the boys and I are enough to soothe that. I kind of wish he’d just forget about it and be happy with what we have, with where we are. We’re safe and well taken care of. We have roles within the Pack and we’re valued for our contributions.”
He pushed the thoughts away with a wave of his hand, trying to bring the smile back to his face. “Enough about me. I want to hear more about you.”
Luke shrugged, smiling happily as he looked down at the picture he held.
“I don’t know what to say. Everything is great. I found you again. And I have James and he’s better than anything Tobias raised me to expect. And now we’re having a baby and I don’t have to be afraid for them, because James will love us and take care of us.”
“Well said,” his Alpha replied and Luke turned to see him in the doorway. He blushed, not realizing James had been standing there, listening to his every word.
James walked up to stand behind him and Luke leaned back against him, enjoying the way his Alpha wrapped his strong arms around him. He felt safe, protected, and loved. A feeling he would hold on to, always.
Author's Note
Thank you for reading The Alpha’s Heart, I hope you enjoyed James and Luke’s story and the continuation of Zack and Matt’s. If you have a moment to spare, please consider leaving a review.
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